
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Light it Up

Listening to Fall Out Boy "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark" has inspired me to do something I  haven't done in awhile, which is write poetry. So here you go...

Light it Up
Set fire to that feeling burning inside
Let  it twist and turn as it burns 
feel all the pain, memories, thoughts
catch in a roaring blaze
as it tears through you like a forest fire
Light it Up

Take all those smother and suppressed thoughts
light a match and watch as the blue and gold
catch on to the blackness inside
feel the burn as the fire slowly spreads through
 savoring each thought it sets ablaze 
Light it Up

Watch as who you are goes up in smoke
leaving only ashes to remain
smell the charred pain, memories, thoughts
that are now only ashes
pick up the blackened bitter ashes and
Light it Up.

So there you have it my long over due poetry. To give a little background, Poetry was my first love. Ever since my mother introduced me to poetry back in elementary school, I have writing on and off all these years.   Poetry was my first form of self expression, my first real ability at being able to put what I was feeling in to words. I think if I could have made a living being a poet I would have done  that, but sadly poetry doesn't pay very much. I love how Poetry is whatever you want to make it; there are no rules. Poetry is about art and expression which means you get to choose what you want to do. Do you want to use grammar? Do you want to write one giant sentence? Do you want a form or pattern? Or do you want the poem to be chaos on the paper? Poetry is what you chose to make it and no one can tell you your wrong. Sure there is such a thing as good poetry and bad poetry, but there is no thing as WRONG poetry. No one can tell you that you are writing your poem wrong and what an exhilarating feeling that is to be suspended from rules and structure for the time your writing. I love writing poetry and will always love poetry. I'm hopeful one day I can be published but even if that never happens I'm at least putting it out there. So before I end for this post I'll leave you with some of my favorite poets: Emily Dickinson(who introduced me to the poetry world and will always be my favorite), Sylvia Plath, Maya Angelou, A professor from college Kathrine Blackbird ( who helped me better my craft and believe in my ability), Langston Hughes, and  I'm a sucker for William Shakespeare.

Who are some of your favorite poets? or some of your favorite poems? leave them in the comment section! I'd love some new authors to read! 

1 comment:

  1. I mainly write haikus, but I used to write poetry from time to time. I haven't really had inspiration to write a non-haiku in a long time.

    Favourite poet? I don't really have a fave author, but I do prefer to read older poems with rhyme and meter.

    And I loved your poem. :)
