
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Some Cliches are True

You know those cliches people tell you about life, usually when life is going terribly, and people think they can cheer you up by speaking some overused words? I'm talking about the ones like: everything happens for a reason, when one door closes another one opens, look at the glass half full, and many more. Most the times when someone uses those cliches it's because they don't know what else to say and those are the only words they can think of. It's frustrating when someone uses a cliche as words of comfort because you already know those cliches, have probably been told them before, leaving you with no comfort because they are empty words everyone uses. The reason something is a cliche is because it has been used so many times that the words become exhausted and the meaning empty. The thing is as often as cliches are used just give a vague empty sense of comfort, some are actually true.

Sometimes when one door closes in life another one does open. Not always, but sometimes. This past weekend I learned what can happen when you can let things go and start looking forward. I let doors in my life close, which opened a variety of new doors. I closed several doors last week, one on hiding the shame of my fight, one on trying to make a person happy, one on feeling ashamed of my life, and one on ignoring the problems I need to face. Now who knows if these doors will stay permanently closed, but for now they are closed. By closing those doors I opened myself to many new possibilities like: I found a sense of self and confidence in starting this blog; I made new friends and reconnected with old ones; I shared my story with others; and I'm taking the steps to find a job, get healthy and in general get my life on track.

 For the first time in a long time I feel like I have purpose with my life and happy. Yes, happy. I feel that by finally dealing with my life I have opened all these new doors for myself that were shut when I was hiding. For the first time in a long time I have the feeling anything is possible, that I can take on life's challenges and win. What's helped me realize this is embracing some of those cheesy cliches, giving them meaning in my life. Who knows how long it will last, but for now it works for me. So my parting words are some cliches that I believe true. Things happen for a reason you may not know it at the time but eventually you will find it. Many times the reasons for the bad are to close doors on old parts of your life and open yourself to new doors. So let go of the old and embrace the new. Listening to the cliches of life could be one of the best things you do.

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