Yes you read that title correctly. Yes I'm about to write a post about changes I plan to make in the new year but before you leave because you are sick of reading those types of posts let me just quickly tell you the goal of the post. It is not to list to all the changes I wish to make but probably won't. I won't be talking about my goal weight for the year or how I plan to eat healthier or do one of those challenges or be a happier person. No I will not subject you to having to read another one of those posts. So if you've hung in with me so far and trust I will not bust out any New Year's cliches in this post keep reading...
So you've made it to the second paragraph and may be wondering what this post is all about if it is actually about anything ( it is I assure you), My intentions with this post are to announce changes to this blog and with my writing. Now one obvious change you may be shouting at me is are you going to actually post more or just post for a couple weeks and then disappear? I have every intention of posting more as I now have a clearer idea of what I want from this blog. Now I am making no promises of how often I will post since that would fall under New Year's cliches of making promises you can't keep but look at this way posting some is progress over the last couple months in which there was no posting.What you don't know is I've gone to write posts but have never finished them because I just didn't feel like they belonged on this blog. If you have read any of my posts in the past you may have read some of my poetry intermingled with my thoughts. I love writing poetry but I have realized for me to truly write what I am feeling it needs to be separate from where I talk about my real life and personal thoughts. So I have created a new blog for my writing over at word press, which will be strictly for my creative writing. The separation allows me a clearer thought process, which makes me feel more comfortable posting poems as an author and not as a blogger.
Why do I feel the need for a whole different blog for poetry? As a poet I write poems based where my mind takes me. I'm the author but that doesn't always mean what I'm writing about I personally feel or have experienced, they are just thoughts in my head. I feel if I keep writing poem's here the speaker of the poem will be associated automatically with my personal voice and not the voice of the person in the poem. If you think back to high school English, think about when your teacher discussed the difference between when the author is speaking and when a fictional character is speaking that's what my concern is over. I don't want the persona of my poem to be mixed with my real life thoughts. I want a place where I feel free to release my creative thoughts without it being assumed I'm talking about my self. Also I plan on writing more poetry this year to reach the goal of being published. I want a place where I can see only my creative work in one place and post the good along with the not so good pieces. Think of my new poetry blog as my creative writing journal in the open minus the ones I hope might be strong enough to be published elsewhere.
Now what's happening to this blog you may be asking? I'm keeping it with every intention of writing more and sharing more with you all. I have some great post ideas floating around in my head that I just need to get written down, This blog is still about my search for that happy place, which I hope you're still interested in. Even if you're not I'll continue posting anyways because I like to write for me if people actually read what I write it's a rewarding bonus.
for being so patient I will share the link to my new blog. This will be the only time I post this here so if you want to follow my other blog that's great if not that's fine too. so here it is:
Inviting the Soul to Wander
If you decide to wander over to the new blog I hope you enjoy but remember that what I write is as an author not as a personal blog post, which means the persona of the poem could talk about anything that inspires me to write.
Until the next post...I freely give you permission to heckle me if the next post does not come in a timely fashion.
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